Feeling stuck in a rut, lost and even directionless? Millions of people around the world feel like they have not made any progress in life and all their dreams are out of reach. It is even tougher if you are young, broke or even unemployed.
Without much to focus on, you end up mindlessly scrolling through social media in hopes that you can avoid the feeling of pain associated with not having your dream life. Instead, you end up feeling even worse about yourself as you are inundated with flashes of success and wealth that most people portray in 1-minute videos, specially curated to pull you in or to get you to subscribe and pay for their coaching course.
Instead of suffering through an endless loop of self-doubt, here are some practical steps you can take to get out of the funk and help you do something and take action to get you closer to your goals.
Identify what you want to do
The first step is to identify what it is you want and can do. Starting an online business is a great idea but you need a more concrete plan than just a vague idea of what you want to do. It is important to ask yourself: What specific skills do I have that I can turn into a business? What are my passions and how can I monetize them? These questions require you to spend time, effort and focus. No magic idea will fall into your lap while you are lying on the couch feeling bad about yourself.
Start with small actions.
Once you have identified what it is you want and can do, the next best step is to start with small actions. This is where most people begin to overthink and doubt themselves. Instead, stop worrying about having all the pieces in place before you begin and just get started.
For example, you have decided to start a blog. Your first step will be to come up with a domain name. Your second step will be to purchase a hosting plan while your third step could be creating your first blog post. Action begets action. The more you do, the more momentum you will build and before you know it, you are already making progress towards your goals.
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh
Dedicate time each day to your goals
So you were inspired, had a burst of motivation and now have your domain name, your hosting plan purchased and even your first blog post. How do you keep up the momentum?
One crucial way is to set aside time each day to work on your business, blog or whatever it is you choose to do. Spend a minimum of 30 minutes each day to write an article, work on your website or improve your skills. The idea here is to turn it into a habit so that you are constantly making small but steady progress towards your goals.
Create a to-do list
Once you get started, you will most likely have a whole bunch of ideas that you believe will take your business to the next level. At this point, it is really important not to overwhelm yourself and instead create a to-do list of small, achievable tasks. These tasks should be specific and actionable, which you can accomplish daily and help to move you closer to your overall goal.
Read more about to-do lists and why we consider them the easiest tool for productivity.
Never stop learning
Don't make the mistake of underestimating the value of continuous learning. It is an excellent way to learn new skills, brush up on your existing knowledge, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your field. There are endless free resources like tutorials or YouTube videos that can help you stay ahead of the curve and maximise your new venture.
Another strategy is to learn from others who have experience in your field. These individuals likely have valuable insights and perspectives that you might not have considered on your own. You can join online communities, forums or even reach out to them directly to access a great source of support and ideas.
Taking action isn’t always easy. Often, it can be scary and overwhelming as you worry that your idea isn't good enough or that you will be met with failure. It is important to remember that the key to success is action. Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity or the perfect idea. Instead, take your first step and then your second and just keep going. Before you know it, you would have built something you can be proud of.