Mindfulness is the state of paying deliberate attention to the present moment without worrying about the past or future. It is the act of observing one's thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment without any attachment to it. It is a habit that is refined through practice. Here are 7 mindful exercises that you can practice throughout your day that are so powerful, they can positively alter your mind.
To breathe is to be alive. The act of focusing on our breath grounds us in the present moment and helps to improve one’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. Practising breathwork regularly can lead to decreased levels of stress and anxiety. Explore breathing exercises such as:
Taking a moment in your day, whether it's when you wake up, in the shower or before bed, to express gratitude for the good things in your life is a truly powerful way to alter your mindset. Gratitude has very high emotional value and has been shown to boost happiness, increase resilience, and strengthen our connections with others. It is one of the best ways to anchor ourselves in a state of abundance and contentment.
"Mindful exercises are the keys to unlock the hidden wonders within ourselves and discover the profound essence of life." - Deepak Chopra
Prayer to God / Universe / Source
Engaging and humbling ourselves in prayer, whether you call it God, Universe or Source, is a way to connect us to something that is beyond and bigger than us. During difficult times, prayer has the ability to offer comfort and a sense of guidance to those who are seeking it. Prayer offers us to surrender our worries, anxieties and stress while fostering a sense of spiritual well-being.
There is something very serene about the act of journaling in the mornings and at night before going to bed. Journaling allows us a safe space to express ourselves honestly. Writing down our experiences, goals, and worries can lead to an improved mental and emotional understanding of ourselves. It helps us gain insights into patterns, identify triggers, and find solutions to problems, ultimately promoting self-growth and self-compassion.
Meditation is an ancient practice believed to have originated in India thousands of years ago. It is practised as a tool for achieving peace, enlightenment, and mindfulness while training the mind to stay focused and non-reactive. Whether you choose to incorporate guided meditation or silent contemplation into your day, setting aside time for meditation allows us to observe our thoughts without attachment, fostering mental clarity and reducing anxiety.
Mindful Exercises Such As Walking
For millions of years, humans have been walking. It is fundamental to our daily lives and often goes unnoticed. Walking mindfully allows us to immerse ourselves fully in the act of movement and engage with our surroundings. When you go for a mindful walk, make sure to pay attention to every step, feel the ground beneath your feet and just take in the sigh and sounds around you. It is a form of moving or active meditation that brings us a sense of tranquillity while reducing mental chatter.
Affirmations are powerful positive statements that we repeat to ourselves regularly to help challenge and overcome negative thoughts and self-doubt. When choosing affirmations that resonate with our goals and values, it has the power to shift our thoughts and beliefs. Examples of affirmations include "I am capable of overcoming any challenge that comes my way" or "I embrace change and welcome new opportunities in my life."
Mindfulness allows us to embrace the present moment with awareness, empowering us to navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease. By embracing the present moment, we learn to let go of unnecessary worries about the past or future. Embrace each exercise with an open heart, patience, and kindness towards yourself and over time, you will find your mindset positively transformed.